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AI Can Write a More Believable Restaurant Review Than a Human Can

Yale SOM’s Balázs Kovács used ChatGPT to write a series of Yelp-style reviews, as well as collecting real reviews from the site, and then asked human subjects to decide which was the real thing. They were more convinced of the authenticity of the AI-written reviews.

A robot sitting at a table at a restaurant, writing a Yelp review on a smartphone
  • Social Media Is Addictive. Do Regulators Need to Step In?

    Yale SOM’s Fiona Scott Morton and her co-authors argue that smarter and more robust antitrust enforcement can help, by making room for new social media platforms that promote themselves as healthier alternatives.

    An illustration of someone reaching through a smartphone screen and reaching for likes and other social media icons
  • How Better Mobile Crowdsourcing Can Help Combat Food Waste and Feed the Hungry

    Yale SOM’s Vahideh Manshadi and Scott Rodilitz worked with Food Rescue US to hone their strategy for connecting volunteers with food donations. Their findings can help other nonprofits harness the power of crowds for social good.

    Volunteers making a food delivery.
  • Create Trust Online by Pairing User Control and Data Security

    In a new study, Yale SOM’s K. Sudhir and his co-author examine the impact of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They find that strict privacy rights paired with strong data security mandates create an atmosphere of trust that makes data sharing more beneficial for both firms and their customers.

    A man sitting at a computer, with a large eye on the computer screen, a phone, and a tablet
  • Study: Improved Video Game Technology Contributed to Decline in Work by Younger Men

    Between the 2000s and the 2010s, weekly recreational computer use by men in their 20s rose by 2.7 hours; at the same time, working hours for this group dropped by 1.8 hours. A study co-authored by Yale SOM Dean Kerwin K. Charles concludes that improving technology caused much of the increase in gaming, and nearly half of the decline in working hours for young men.

    A young man wearing a headset playing a video game, seen from behind
  • A Peaceful Transfer of Power at Amazon

    We asked Yale SOM leadership expert Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, author of a landmark study of CEO succession, how Amazon will be changed by the departure of its founder.

    Jeff Bezos at a press conference in 2012. Photo: J. Emilio Flores/Corbis via Getty Images.
  • How is Mexico Navigating the COVID Financial Crisis?

    In a recent online conversation hosted by Yale SOM, Mexico’s chief central banker discussed the country’s response to the economic distress caused by COVID-19—the country’s third financial crisis in recent decades.

    The Banco de México in Mexico City.
  • What Can Smartphone Location Data Tell Us about the Pandemic?

    Yale SOM’s Kevin Williams and his co-authors used cellphone location data to create a data set tracking movement during COVID-19, which is publicly available for researchers.

    A satellite view of North America at night
  • Can We Protect Our Election from the Bots?

    More than 50,000 Russia-linked bots were active on Twitter during the 2016 election. Are they back? We talked with Prof. Tauhid Zaman, who has carried out a series of studies identifying bot networks and assessing their impact.

    A photo illustration of legions of toy robots
  • What’s the Danger from TikTok?

    In September, under pressure from the Trump administration to sell its U.S. operations, the Chinese-owned social media app TikTok tentatively agreed to partner with Oracle. We asked Prof. Paul Bracken, an expert on strategy and technology, about the security threat from Chinese technology companies and how the conflict might play out.

    A shadow of a person walking in front of a TikTok sign
  • The Borderlessness of Tech-Driven Media

    Dayo Olopade ’15, a lead for film and television partnerships at Google, discusses the global disruption of production, distribution, and consumption of media around the world.

    An illustration of a the planet earth wearing a mask in a TV studio