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Politics and Policy

The Coming MAGA Assault on Capitalism

Yale SOM’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld writes that former president Trump and his followers have made no secret of their hostility to business or their plans to intervene in markets.

People holding "Making America Great Again" signs at a Trump rally
  • Use Russia’s Frozen Assets to Rebuild Ukraine

    Yale SOM’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Ambassadors John E. Herbst and William B. Taylor argue that $300 billion of frozen Russian assets in Western banks should be transferred to Ukraine to help reconstruct its devastated infrastructure.

    Emergency services workers at the site of a drone attack in February in Odesa, Ukraine. 
  • SEC Chair Gary Gensler on the Future of Systemic Risk in Financial Markets

    The SEC chair talked with Yale SOM’s Andrew Metrick about lessons in resilience following the Global Financial Crisis and a fast-approaching future where AI and quantum computing will deliver transformative, potentially destabilizing, impacts on the financial system.

    Gary Gensler testifying at a congressional hearing
  • Speaker Mike Johnson’s ‘Profiles in Courage’ Moment

    Yale SOM leadership expert Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and co-author Steven Tian write that the House Speaker displayed rare courage in learning on the job and defying extremists in his own party—and draw historical parallels to an ideological conversion that changed the course of the Cold War.

    House Speaker Mike Johnson speaking to the press, in a wide image from behind
  • Better Sanctions Can Weaken Russia

    Yale SOM’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, who has helped lead the movement to isolate Russia, and co-author Steven Tian write that the current sanctions regime is spottily enforced and ignores key commodities exports. They suggest three steps policymakers should take to give economic sanctions real bite.

    An aerial view of a stack of timber
  • Can Industrial Policy Help Revive Struggling Regions?

    A new paper co-authored by Yale SOM’s Cameron LaPoint looks at an effort in 1980s Japan to narrow economic inequalities between geographic regions, in order to understand the potential impact of the similar U.S. CHIPS and Science Act, enacted in 2022.

    President Joe Biden with a quantum computer during a tour of an IBM facility in Poughkeepsie, New York, in 2022.
  • A Divided America Emboldens Putin’s Aggression

    Alexei Navalny’s death is another sign that Russia is testing the limits of the West—and the U.S. is failing that test, write Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and co-author Steven Tian.

    A protester holding a poster of Alexei Navalny's face
  • What the U.S. Has to Gain from Supporting Ukraine

    Prof. Jeffrey Sonnnenfeld and co-author Steven Tian write that spending on weapons and aid boosts the U.S. economy, strengthens the NATO alliance, and weakens the Russian war machine.

    Supporters of aid for Ukraine outside the U.S. Capitol on February 11. 
  • How Connecticut Elevated Its Business Climate

    Connecticut turned itself into a destination for new businesses by prioritizing business development and inviting input and help from the private sector, write Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and three other leaders of AdvanceCT, the state’s business attraction and retention engine.

    The Connecticut state capitol and the Hartford skyline
  • No, the Business Exodus from Russia Was Not a Bonanza for Putin

    Yale SOM’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Steven Tian, with Tymofiy Mylovanov and Nataliia Shapoval of the Kyiv School of Economics, respond to a New York Times articles on the effect of the boycott.

    A former McDonald’s restaurant in Moscow, with a different logo on otherwise similar food and packaging
  • The FTC’s Antitrust Overreach Is Hurting U.S. Competitiveness and Destroying Value

    Yale SOM’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Steven Tian write that FTC chair Lina Khan’s attempts to block mergers are draining economic value—and consistently failing in court.

    Lina Kahn testifying