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The Perils of Personalized Pricing

Increasingly, companies have the ability to target each of us with individual prices based on what they think we will pay. A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Jidong Zhou investigates whether the result is higher or lower costs for consumers.

An illustration of four people with TVs in shopping carts, all with different prices
  • What We Get Wrong about the Effects of Population Growth

    New research co-authored by Professor Jason Dana finds that people over-focus on increased consumption without considering the positive effects of increased productivity.

    An illustration of bunches of grapes in which each grape is a human face
  • Can Industrial Policy Help Revive Struggling Regions?

    A new paper co-authored by Yale SOM’s Cameron LaPoint looks at an effort in 1980s Japan to narrow economic inequalities between geographic regions, in order to understand the potential impact of the similar U.S. CHIPS and Science Act, enacted in 2022.

    President Joe Biden with a quantum computer during a tour of an IBM facility in Poughkeepsie, New York, in 2022.
  • El Salvador Adopted Bitcoin as an Official Currency; Salvadorans Mostly Shrugged

    In an effort to boost financial inclusion, El Salvador made Bitcoin an official currency and offered incentives for adopting it. A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s David Argente and Diana Van Patten found that a lack of trust caused use of the cryptocurrency to fall off quickly.

    A Bitcoin ATM in San Salvador in 2021. 
  • Our Most-Read Stories of 2023

    This year, Yale SOM research examined sustainable investing, the dynamics of social media, the role of race in school discipline, and the complexities of airline pricing. And faculty offered expertise on issues in the news, including the changing workplace, noncompete agreements, the politics of ESG investing, the effectiveness of masks, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, and the Barbie movie phenomenon.

    A collage of illustrations and photographs
  • Shining a Light into the Black Box of the Art Market

    The opacity of the art market benefits a tiny elite of collectors, gallerists, and artists, says Yale SOM's Magnus Resch, but makes it harder for most artists and art lovers to connect.

    Andy Warhol’s Muhammad Ali is auctioned at Christie’s in 2007.
  • Modeling the Path Toward Creativity

    Creative insight may appear to arrive in a flash, says Yale SOM economist Jonathan Feinstein, but the eureka moment typically emerges from a foundation built over years. Feinstein’s new book modeling creativity is itself the result of an early interest and decades of exploration.

    Prof. Jonathan Feinstein in the classroom
  • Lower-Income Employees Are More Likely to Remain at 401(k) Defaults, Even If It Costs Them Money

    Automatically enrolling employees in retirement plans is a powerful tool for increasing savings. But Yale SOM’s James Choi and his coauthors find that once enrolled, people with lower incomes are more likely to remain at default contribution rates, even if they aren’t optimal.

    An illustration of currency being cut in half as it is put into a piggy bank
  • The Conversations on an Anonymous Economics Forum Are Troubling—and Elite Schools Are Part of the Problem

    Yale SOM’s Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham and Kyle Jensen and their former colleague Florian Ederer presented a study showing that anonymous racist and sexist posts on the popular Economics Job Market Rumors website were coming from top universities.

    An illustration of a person wearing a mortar board sitting in front of a computer in the dark
  • Video: Dating, Marriage, Parenting, and the Gender Wage Gap

    Women earn 79 cents for every dollar that men make. But look beyond that widely cited statistic, and you’ll find a complex story of causes, effects, and correlations. Prof. Mushfiq Mobarak surveys the literature on the subject and argues that, to close the gap, we need to address society’s differing expectations around who bears the burden of family and parenting responsibilities.

    An illustration of a woman thinking about earnings and family
  • Bringing the Economist’s Tool Kit to the Policies that Shape Markets 

    Katja Seim, the Sharon Oster Professor of Economics and Management, investigates the complex forces behind the infrastructure of everyday life with an aim of enabling data-driven improvement to policy tools and making markets function better.

    Katja Seim