Using Operations Research to Improve the Refugee Resettlement Process
In a new study, Yale SOM’s Vahideh Manshadi and Soonbong Lee and their co-authors propose an algorithm that can yield better employment outcomes for refugees while also reducing caseloads of service providers.

A Better Algorithm Can Bring Volunteers to More Organizations
Yale SOM’s Vahideh Manshadi and her collaborators found that an online platform was steering volunteers toward a small group of opportunities. By building equity into the algorithm, they were able to help more organizations find the volunteers they need.
In the Emergency Department, Patients from Marginalized Groups Are More Likely to be Bypassed in the Queue
In a busy hospital emergency department, White people who speak English and have private insurance are more likely to jump the line and get seen first, according to new research from Professors Lesley Meng and Edieal Pinker and Dr. Rohit Sangal ’21 of Yale New Haven Hospital.
Wastewater Can Reveal How Many of Us Have Gotten COVID-19
New research based on data on COVID-19 RNA in sewage suggests that many more people had been infected with COVID-19 by May 2021 than official case counts indicated.
Study: An Abundance of Media Fuels Polarization
Yale SOM’s Vahideh Manshadi and her co-authors built a model showing that faced with a flood of information, an individual tends to take in material that reinforces their existing beliefs.
Does Scoring a Goal Right Before Halftime Increase a Soccer Team’s Chance of Winning?
Yale SOM’s Nils Rudi and crime novelist Jo Nesbø—a one-time professional soccer player—investigated the myth and found evidence that there is some truth to it. The results may offer lessons for team performance on and off the field.
The Missing Links in the Supply Chain
We asked Yale SOM’s Prof. Sang Kim, an operations expert who specializes in supply-chain management, to unpack the news about delayed shipments and backed-up ports.
How to Distribute Scarce Medical Supplies in a Pandemic—and Do It Fairly
Early in the pandemic, states waited in frustration for medical equipment from the Strategic National Stockpile. New research outlines a better way to efficiently and equitably allot emergency supplies.
Blockchain Technology Can Help Consumers Tip Farmers—But Should It?
Apps that track food supply chains could make it easier for customers to tip the farmer who produced their coffee or cocoa. But a new paper suggests that this well-intended feature might reduce farmers’ overall income.
Does the Location of a Hospital Room Affect Quality of Care?
Using data from infrared location tracking tags, Yale SOM’s Lesley Meng and her co-authors determined that nurses visit rooms that are farther from the nurses station less frequently, but for longer.
How Better Mobile Crowdsourcing Can Help Combat Food Waste and Feed the Hungry
Yale SOM’s Vahideh Manshadi and Scott Rodilitz worked with Food Rescue US to hone their strategy for connecting volunteers with food donations. Their findings can help other nonprofits harness the power of crowds for social good.