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Learning through Experience

How can we learn from the experience we have to create a future that we want? This is the realm that much of Dr. Heidi Brooks’s work explores. As we navigate through life, she invites us to cultivate the capacity to learn through experience, and to apply the wisdom gained to co-create a future that is worth fighting for.

In season one of the Learning through Experience Podcast, Dr. Heidi Brooks focused on one of the most impactful ways to learn through experience: learning with mentors. She spoke with some of her mentors and they reflected on what brought them to where they are today in their own work, life, and play.

But in a podcast that proposes that learning can not only happen through conventional exposure to concepts and theories but also through what we experience in life, this second season is all about the HOW.

How do we learn through our own experience?

Dr. Heidi Brooks talks to artists, authors, professors, and even yoga instructors about four practices you can lean on to learn through experience. These four practices are: How to challenge your perspective, how to stretch yourself and build range, how to direct your own learning, and finally, the importance of reflection.

I hope you follow along and join us for season two of Learning Through Experience.

Learning through Experience show art

Heidi Brooks

Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behavior
Heidi Brooks

Heidi Brooks teaches and advises on the subject of everyday leadership: the everyday micro-moments of impact that shape our lived experiences. Creating more courageous communities—especially within organizations—is a particular passion of hers. Dr. Brooks specializes in large-scale culture change projects focused on individual and collective leadership effectiveness in organizations.

Interpersonal Dynamics, the MBA elective she has taught for 15 years, is one of the courses most in demand at Yale School of Management. Dr. Brooks pioneered the Everyday Leadership course at SOM, where she first taught the Principles of Everyday Leadership. She has also taught Emotional Intelligence, Power & Politics, Managing Teams and Groups, and Coaching Skills for Managers. Dr. Brooks received her doctorate in psychology from the University of California at Berkeley and a bachelor’s degree from Brown University. She is a lifelong experiential learner; you can find her as a student in classrooms as far-ranging as improvisational theater and immersion language lessons.


  • Podcast
    Season 1
    Episode 8
    Duration 37:55

    The Power of Creating Learning Spaces

    I have a very clear memory of chasing Robin Rose down the hallway at college and asking her: “How can I be like you when I grow up?” I was fascinated with the way she invited people to step into learning through personal experience. Since most of my idea of learning involved lectures and assignments, this approach was refreshing and evocative. Discovering the power of learning through reflection on experience was a fundamental shift for me—and I never turned back. In this conversation, we discuss learning laboratories, the need for risk, and how leadership is, at its core, an art form.

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  • Podcast
    Season 1
    Episode 7
    Duration 26:01

    practice, Practice, PRACTICE

    Learning through experience is an everyday practice — as Bill Torbert knows well. In this episode, he speaks about the power of surrendering to the part of us that is quite a “numbskull.”

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  • Podcast
    Season 1
    Episode 6
    Duration 23:28

    How Do You Actually Notice Your Life?

    In this episode, family systems experts Phil and Carolyn Cowan talk with grace and wisdom about their process of confronting aspects of family dynamics that they experienced but did not wish to pass on. If there’s one thing you take away from our conversation, let it be this: pay attention to your story.

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  • Podcast
    Season 1
    Episode 5
    Duration 03:25

    A Quick Check-In

    In order to learn through experience, our doing needs a good pairing with reflective inquiry into what’s working.

    Now that we’re halfway through the first season of “Learning through Experience,” I wanted to pause and take time to walk the talk. In this “check-in” episode, I share a bit of my reflection on what I am learning through the experience of podcasting.

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  • Podcast
    Season 1
    Episode 4
    Duration 39:33

    Orienting Towards Courageous Community

    In this episode, I spoke with Karen Kimsey-House about transformational learning and how to reinvent yourself. When I was coming out of my PhD studies, I was wandering in my own wilderness, trying to find my way. Wondering what else I could do besides clean my house to avoid my dissertation, I enrolled in the Coach Training Institute. And that’s how I met Karen, who eventually became my personal coach, teacher, and dear friend.

    Karen is the co-founder of the Co-Active Training Institute. Today, it’s the largest in-person coach training organization in the world, delivering courses in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

    Karen has been my personal coach, my teacher in a long-term immersion leadership program, a dear friend, and most importantly for the context of this podcast of Learning Through Experience, a mentor.

    Key Topics:

    03:19 Co-active coaching: The client-centered coaching process that coaches the person, not the problem, and believes that we all have within us what we need to thrive in this world;

    10:48 Reinventing yourself: Difficult times and missed opportunities may be calls to learn through experience and maybe even reinvent yourself;

    17:33 Get curious about the process: Discover what works for you on your journey of life, what allows you to quiet the world and hear your own internal voice;

    22:01 Redefining leadership: Moving away from a certain kind of leadership that doesn’t harness and unleash our full human potential;

    24:03 Transformational learning: Creating a learning system that changes the operating system of people and allows them to see the world in a fundamentally different way;

    33:25 Racial justice: Sometimes the best thing you can do for DEI is to be as curious as possible about our differences and be willing to engage in difficult conversations.

    Additional Resources from Karen

    Book: Co-Active Coaching: The Proven Framework for Transformative Conversations at Work and in Life by Henry Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Phillip Sandahl, Laura Whitworth


  • Podcast
    Season 1
    Episode 3
    Duration 40:03

    The Scariest Book I Had Ever Read

    In this episode, I spoke with Parker Palmer about the connection between teaching and learning, healing the heart of democracy, and following the path of integrity.

    I’ve been reading Parker J Palmer’s books for years. He's the author of 10 books about education, community leadership, spirituality, and social change. Three of these particularly resonated with my own experience: Let Your Life Speak, The Courage to Teach, and On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old. and one of them stood out as the scariest book I had ever read.

    Parker J. Palmer is also the founder and senior partner emeritus of the Center for Courage and Renewal.

    Key Topics:

    03:33 The interplay of aging and vocation: How to keep learning through experience with the limitations that come with age;

    09:38 The connection between teaching and learning: Teaching as an expert with relatively static knowledge versus teaching as a more dynamic process;

    13:34 The community of truth: How we know what we know and the validity of our knowledge;

    19:53 The scariest book I had ever read: Why this book resonated so deeply and prompted a perspective shift around leadership, epistemology, faithfulness, and effectiveness;

    29:12 Putting wheels on ideas: Creating a vehicle that will allow other people to ride an idea and reshape it as they go toward destinations of their own choosing;

    35:43 Following the path of integrity: Despite our greatest ambitions and clear intentions to live a life of virtue aligned with our values, it can be hard in practice.

    Additional Resources from Parker



  • Podcast
    Season 1
    Episode 2
    Duration 36:47

    Learning Outside of the Classroom

    Not everything we learn in college comes from the classroom. When you think about learning and insights that have mattered most to you, you may find that the most powerful associations include people, events, feelings and places.

    Barbara Tannenbaum and her living room came easily to mind for me when thinking about when and where I learned through experience. Barbara taught one of the most popular courses on campus. So why the living room image? Barbara would invite some students into her home for gathering circles in her living room — and I feel lucky to have been one of them. Her living room — outside the walls of my college classrooms — is an important marker in my ongoing learning journey.

    I love how we all have the chance to learn outside the classroom (because that’s most of life). In this episode, we discuss power talk, removing linguistic anchors, and why when we have more voice, we welcome more beauty.

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  • Podcast
    Season 1
    Episode 1
    Duration 09:10

    Introducing Dr. Heidi Brooks and ‘Learning through Experience’

    We are overloaded with so much information that we become full of ideas but too often lack the time to reflect, practice, and enact wisely. Ideas are not enough—we cannot run life by syllabus and read our way through—we have to learn our way through much of the experience of life, and integrate information as sensemaking to help us get better as we go.

    I’m Dr. Heidi Brooks, host of Learning Through Experience. I believe that we could upgrade life and face an unknown future with more confidence if we had the capacity to learn our way through experience. So I want this podcast to offer some ways to learn our way forward.

    Given the podcast format, it might be challenging - I can't simply tell you what learning through experience is, I want to show you, to offer you an experience. I am certainly doing that myself as I learn through experience how to podcast on this topic. I am hopeful that we will experience it together.

    In this first season, we looked at the experience of mentorship, an experience based on relationship. This was a set of conversations with the people who mentored me (oh so long ago!) with an eye to this question: How do we apply what we learn through experience with mentors?

    Key Topics:

    00:00 The WHY behind the podcast: Why do we need to learn from experience? Why experience in itself isn’t enough?

    05:51 Learning through the experience of teaching: Discovering what people are hungry for through one of my first experiences as a teacher at Yale.

    07:42 The paradox of Learning Through Experience: These episodes aren’t about teaching, they’re about experiencing something together, reflecting, noticing what resonates, and learning from within.

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