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Can Reflection Dislodge a Faulty Intuition?

Sometimes our gut is right. But a new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Shane Frederick shows that when it’s not, the erroneous intuition can be difficult to overrid.

An illustration of two women looking at a bat and ball, one with a lightbulb over her head and the other reflecting carefully on math
  • What We Get Wrong about the Effects of Population Growth

    New research co-authored by Professor Jason Dana finds that people over-focus on increased consumption without considering the positive effects of increased productivity.

    An illustration of bunches of grapes in which each grape is a human face
  • CEOs Invest Less in Corporate Social Responsibility When Their Own Money Is At Stake

    A study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Kelly Shue finds that when CEOs have a larger financial stake in their companies, or when they face stronger shareholder oversight, they cut back spending on corporate social responsibility efforts.

    An illustration of a CEO looking at stock prices and hesitating to write a check
  • The Best Leaders Use Intuition

    In an excerpt from her new book, Yale SOM’s Emma Seppälä writes that drawing on instinct as well as analysis can help us make better decisions.

    An illustration of butterflies around a woman's face, with a human figure on top of one of them
  • Can ChatGPT Accelerate Social Science Research? 

    Yale SOM’s Balázs Kovács and his co-authors spent years designing a computer-based method to measure “typicality.” In a new study, they found that ChatGPT could duplicate their results at a fraction of the cost.

    An illustration of researchers watching a robot write on a blackboard
  • Raise the Bar: Research-Based Ideas to Improve Your 2024

    Harness your own creativity, learn to leverage Chat GPT, and have some fun are three of the suggestions from our faculty to help you make your new year healthier, more rewarding, and more prosperous.

    illustration of a person climbing a bar chart
  • Our Most-Read Stories of 2023

    This year, Yale SOM research examined sustainable investing, the dynamics of social media, the role of race in school discipline, and the complexities of airline pricing. And faculty offered expertise on issues in the news, including the changing workplace, noncompete agreements, the politics of ESG investing, the effectiveness of masks, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, and the Barbie movie phenomenon.

    A collage of illustrations and photographs
  • The Breathing Technique that Can Make You a Better Leader

    Yale SOM’s Emma Seppälä found that a weeklong training in the SKY Breath technique provides a lasting reduction in anxiety and greater resilience to stress, even for those who don’t continue to practice it.

    A graphic of a woman meditating
  • Does Having a Choice Provide an Illusion of Control?

    A study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Joowon Klusowski and Deborah Small finds giving people a choice doesn’t makes them think they are more likely to achieve a positive outcome and provides an explanation of why the opposite can appear to be to be true.

    An illustration of a woman choosing between one door and multiple doors
  • Lower-Income Employees Are More Likely to Remain at 401(k) Defaults, Even If It Costs Them Money

    Automatically enrolling employees in retirement plans is a powerful tool for increasing savings. But Yale SOM’s James Choi and his coauthors find that once enrolled, people with lower incomes are more likely to remain at default contribution rates, even if they aren’t optimal.

    An illustration of currency being cut in half as it is put into a piggy bank
  • As Incomes Rise, Variability in Happiness Shrinks

    New research from Yale SOM’s Gal Zauberman and former postdoc Bouke Klein Teeselink finds there’s both lower average happiness and greater happiness inequality among those with lower incomes.

    An illustration showing progressively happier emoji from left to right