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Can Reflection Dislodge a Faulty Intuition?

Sometimes our gut is right. But a new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Shane Frederick shows that when it’s not, the erroneous intuition can be difficult to overrid.

An illustration of two women looking at a bat and ball, one with a lightbulb over her head and the other reflecting carefully on math
  • When Counting Calories, Words Are More Valuable than Pictures 

    A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Gal Zauberman finds that apps that track calories with a photo are appealing, but manually logging your meals is actually more effective. The results offer a cautionary tale about giving consumers what they think they want, he says.

    An illustration of a smartphone taking a photo of a salad
  • How Does Inflation Change Consumer Behavior?

    Inflation has put consumers in an anxious, angry mood, even as the economic data shows confounding bright spots. We asked Yale SOM’s Ravi Dhar how the perception of rising prices affects buying behavior, and how companies can respond.

    Shoppers in a supermarket seen from overhead
  • How Grammy Wins and Losses Shape Artists’ Creative Trajectories

    Prof. Balázs Kovács and his co-authors found that Grammy winners tend to branch out in new directions afterward—but nominees who don’t win become more creatively cautious.

    Billie Eilish with an armful of trophies at the Grammy Awards in 2020.
  • Do Homebuyers’ Expectations Align with Reality?

    People’s predictions of long-term home price growth were wildly optimistic in the early 2000s but have become more cautious since the Great Recession, according to a study co-authored by Robert Shiller of Yale SOM.

    People viewing a home for sale
  • What Sports Betting Teaches Us about Financial Markets

    In a new paper, Tobias Moskowitz of Yale SOM finds that the sports betting market exhibits pricing patterns also seen in the stock market—suggesting that both may be subject to human irrationality.

    A screen showing betting lines for major league baseball
  • Can Ambivalence Motivate Us to Act?

    New research by Professor Taly Reich and two Yale SOM colleagues demonstrates the way in which ambivalence can help encourage action despite the prospect of failure.

    An illustration of someone walking up the stairs while balancing happy and sad reactions
  • To Shift Opinions in Online Conversations, Start by Building Trust

    New research from Yale SOM’s Tauhid Zaman suggests that starting by establishing common ground makes it possible to make connections and even change some minds.

    An illustration of twitter-style birds arguing
  • Learning the Language of Influence and Persuasion

    In a discussion of her new book, Influence is Your Superpower, Yale SOM’s Zoe Chance outlined strategies that make people want to say yes to you.

    Balloons spelling out yes
  • The Digital Tool That Helps Robert Shiller Understand the Past

    We asked the Nobel Prize-winning Yale economist to reflect on an unexpected source of research information and inspiration. He writes that Google Ngram Viewer can provide important insights about how people saw economic events as they unfolded.

    A nineteenth-century poster advertising land sales in Iowa and Nebraska
  • To Be More Charismatic, Take the Focus off Yourself

    In an excerpt from her book Influence Is Your Superpower, Yale SOM's Zoe Chance explains how to avoid “anti-charismatic” behaviors that we fall back on when we’re feeling powerless, including overusing personal pronouns and adding unnecessary apologies and caveats.

    A man speaking into a megaphone and holding a sandwich board that reads "I thought maybe..."