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Can Reflection Dislodge a Faulty Intuition?

Sometimes our gut is right. But a new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Shane Frederick shows that when it’s not, the erroneous intuition can be difficult to overrid.

An illustration of two women looking at a bat and ball, one with a lightbulb over her head and the other reflecting carefully on math
  • Can You Make a Donation Today—and Tell All Your Friends?

    Sharing information about our charitable donations can multiply their impact. Prof. Deborah Small tested whether reframing why a donor should disclose a gift can help encourage them to spread the good news.

    An illustration of a woman peaking through curtains in front of a gift box
  • What Does It Mean to Be Generous?

    Deborah Small, Adrian C. Israel Professor of Marketing, explores how we make choices that affect our own and others’ welfare and what leaders need to understand about behavioral marketing to expand social impact.

    An illustration of hands raised in front of a heart
  • The Dark Side of an Idealized Picture of Nursing

    A new ethnographic study from Yale SOM’s Julia DiBenigno illustrates how a focus by workers on a fantasy version of their job can get in the way of organizational goals.

    A fuzzy images of nurses with a patient
  • Personal Finance: Popular Authors vs. Economists

    Before teaching a personal finance course, Prof. James Choi dipped into some popular books on the topic. He found that much of what personal finance gurus suggest is at odds with economic research—but that they also have insights into human nature that are sometimes missing from economic analyses.

    An illustration of a woman standing on top of a pile of coins
  • Sermons with Stories of Debt Can Help Churchgoers Stay Frugal

    A recent study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Thomas Steffen and Brett Campbell found that when religious leaders gave sermons warning against excessive debt, areas with high church membership tended to have lower indebtedness.

    A preacher holding up a piggy bank during a sermon
  • How Social Media Rewards Misinformation

    A majority of false stories are spread by a small number of frequent users, suggests a new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Gizem Ceylan. But they can be taught to change their ways.

    An illustration of people looking at devices and being rewarded with likes and other reactions
  • Taking a Disciplined Look at Irrational Investors

    Prof. Nicholas Barberis applies a scientific eye to the irrational ways we form beliefs and how those beliefs collectively drive financial markets.

    A professor talking with two students in from of a white board
  • Smarter Ways to Look Ahead: Research-Based Suggestions for a Better 2023

    We asked faculty from the Yale School of Management to put a scholarly lens on improving our personal and professional lives in the coming year.

    A vintage image of a person looking through a telescope
  • Building Trust with the Algorithms in Our Lives

    Consumers are wary of the recommendations made by algorithms. But according to new research co-authored by Yale SOM’s Taly Reich, showing that an algorithm can learn—that it improves over time—helps to resolve this distrust.

    An illustration of a computer thrusting suggested products at the person using it.
  • How to Give Better Gifts

    Do your loved ones want their presents to be expensive or thoughtful? Do they want to be surprised or to get items from their wish lists? We asked Professor Nathan Novemsky, a psychologist and expert in consumer behavior, to explain some of the common mistakes that gift-givers make.

    Illustration of a gift