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AI Can Write a More Believable Restaurant Review Than a Human Can

Yale SOM’s Balázs Kovács used ChatGPT to write a series of Yelp-style reviews, as well as collecting real reviews from the site, and then asked human subjects to decide which was the real thing. They were more convinced of the authenticity of the AI-written reviews.

A robot sitting at a table at a restaurant, writing a Yelp review on a smartphone
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    With traditional TV losing viewers to streaming services, the industry is still figuring out what its new economic model will look like.

    An illustration of Netflix on a vintage TV
  • Can Tech Make the World Better?

    Katie Rae ’97, who runs an incubator and an investment firm, on finding the next great startup.

  • What Makes Alibaba Grow?

    Alibaba’s vice chairman on the financial mindset and internal culture that have propelled the company’s extraordinary growth.

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    Deepak Jeevan Kumar ’10 of General Catalyst Partners, who invests in cybersecurity ventures, on the evolution of cybercrime and how to combat it.

    An illustration of a microchip with a vault door
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    Internet entrepreneur Kevin Ryan discusses the profound effect that new ventures are having on some of the world’s largest companies.

    Seedlings sprouting leaves ready for transplantation
  • Corruption Decreases Technology Adoption in Emerging Markets

    Technology adoption is lower in emerging markets with corrupt business environments, and higher in those with good transparency and enforcement, according to a new study forthcoming in Marketing Science.

  • Are ‘Patent Thickets’ Smothering Innovation?

    One analysis estimated that a smartphone is covered by 250,000 patents. As technology grows increasingly complex, companies must navigate a web of intellectual property protections. Are innovation and competition suffering from the race to create enormous patent portfolios? Professor Stefan Wagner of the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT), a member of the Global Network for Advanced Management, talked with Yale Insights about the consequences of “patent thickets.”

  • How Has the Pentagon Shaped Innovation?

    Defense spending has been a key driver of technology and innovation in the United States since the beginning of the Cold War, according to Yale SOM professor Paul Bracken. The Pentagon was a prime funder for the early growth of Silicon Valley and more recently quietly created another technology hub, focusing on defense, in northern Virginia.

    microchip closeup on printed board
  • Who Owns that Picture?

    Digital technology has vastly expanded the supply and the market for stock image providers like Getty Images, but it has also complicated the task of controlling their intellectual property. Jonathan Klein, Getty’s cofounder and CEO, talks about its business model and the “existential threat” posed by online image search.