Social Impact
Making Impact Investing Work for System Resilience—and Investor Profits
To confront interconnected environmental and social crises, impact investors will need to factor resilience-building into their expected returns, especially in the most vulnerable parts of the world.
Perspective: The Philanthropist
How can philanthropy contribute to regional economic development in Appalachian Ohio? Cara Brook explains the sector’s critical role in retaining wealth and enabling local initiatives.
Can Technology Transform the Nonprofit Sector?
Nonprofits compete too. Could technology offer a means to improve performance, innovate, and deliver on mission?
Neal Keny-Guyer ’82 on Serving Humanitarian Needs in Conflict Zones
Neal Keny-Guyer ’82, the CEO of Mercy Corps, on negotiating with extremist groups to provide humanitarian relief in conflict zones.
Can Legal Cannabis Drive Racial and Economic Justice?
Ebele Ifedigbo ’16, co-founder of The Hood Incubator, discusses how the legal cannabis industry can be a tool for repairing damage done to communities of color by the war on drugs.
Nancy Pfund ’82 on Tradeoffs in Impact Investing
Impact investor Nancy Pfund ’82 discusses the tradeoffs that inevitably occur when you try to put values into practice.
Can a Bus Ticket Prevent Seasonal Hunger?
Could something as simple as a bus ticket keep hundreds of millions of people from going hungry in the months between planting and harvest?
Can Social Enterprise Power Africa?
Two thirds of sub-Saharan Africa doesn’t have access to reliable power. Nate Heller ’09 explains the innovations that allow his social impact company to bring solar power to West Africa.
Can a Farming Startup Help End Extreme Poverty?
Smallholder farms in developing countries haven’t benefited from the tech revolution. Can a startup offer a private-sector solution to extreme poverty?
How Do You Build Effective Public-Private Partnerships?
The World Bank’s Isabel Marques de Sá explains how these enormously complex contracts can be tools for innovation and capacity building.
Can the Graduation Approach Help to End Extreme Poverty?
The graduation approach to moving households out of extreme poverty and into sustainable livelihoods requires intensive up-front investments but seems to be cost effective in the long run.