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Politics and Policy

Biden Should Go on Offense—Without Being Offensive

Yale leadership expert Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his co-author Steven Tian argue that President Joseph Biden has a strong record of economic accomplishment, and he should tout that at the first presidential debate rather than rely on populist attacks on big business.

Empty lectern
  • What Has Ireland Learned from Austerity?

    Ireland slashed spending and raising taxes to address a fiscal crisis during the Great Recession. What does Ireland's subsequent recovery say about the effectiveness of austerity?

  • How to Respond to the Equifax Breach

    After the Equifax breach, Yale SOM's Shyam Saunder says, we should put the burden for protecting identities back onto major companies.

    An illustration of a microchip with a vault door
  • Three Questions: Prof. Paul Bracken on Trump and North Korea

    Yale SOM's Paul Bracken, an expert on business and defense strategy, answers questions about President Donald Trump’s exchange of threats with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.

  • How Fair Is American Society?

    Americans tend to be overly optimistic about economic equality between white and black citizens, according to a new study by Yale researchers.

    Image of US
  • What’s at Stake in the Healthcare Debate?

    Yale Insights talked to Howard Forman, a Yale physician and economist, about the consequences of Congress passing a repeal of the Affordable Care Act—and what might happen if nothing passes.

  • What Will Trigger the Next Financial Crisis?

    Experts offer their take on where the next crisis will come from. They’ve seen the risk, and it is us.

    Currency of various countries
  • How Can We Create an Economics of Hope?

    Entrenched inequality is creating a sense of despair for many Americans. Andrea Levere ’83 discusses policies and programs that help more people find opportunities for hope.

    Line of suited workers standing in a queue wrapping around a corner
  • Insights Animation: The Economic Benefits of Immigration

    Do new arrivals in a country take jobs away from the native residents? The picture is much more complex than that, argues Yale SOM’s Mushfiq Mobarak.

    Illustration of people doing different jobs
  • How Do You Build Effective Public-Private Partnerships?

    The World Bank’s Isabel Marques de Sá explains how these enormously complex contracts can be tools for innovation and capacity building.

  • Does Macron’s Victory Signal the Defeat of Populism?

    Does Emmanuel Macron’s decisive victory over Marine Le Pen in the French presidential election signal an end to the populist wave that has had globalists on edge for the past year? Not so fast.