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Politics and Policy

Biden Should Go on Offense—Without Being Offensive

Yale leadership expert Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his co-author Steven Tian argue that President Joseph Biden has a strong record of economic accomplishment, and he should tout that at the first presidential debate rather than rely on populist attacks on big business.

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  • Do We Benefit from Trade?

    Yale SOM economist Peter Schott on what the research shows about the effects of trade and how smart policy decisions can ease the impact on workers.

    A ship full of shipping containers
  • Is Government the Key to Prosperity?

    Yale’s Jacob Hacker argues that society needs both healthy markets and effective government.

  • How Should We Think about the Debt?

    David Wessel talks about the complex task of helping policymakers and the public to take a balanced, long-term view of spending and the deficit.

  • Collection No. 2

    What's at Stake?

    It’s in the nature of political campaigns to reduce complex issues to simple declarations—good or bad, for or against. We spoke with a number of Yale faculty to get the big picture on trade, jobs, healthcare, and other economic issues that have come up in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

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  • Frame or Get Framed

    Yale’s David Bach writes that the legal battle between Apple and the FBI illustrates the strategic importance of issue framing in public debates.

  • Can the Internet Change China?

    Will China’s crackdown on the internet become a model in other countries? Foreign Policy’s David Wertime discusses the country’s unique internet environment.

  • Can Operations Research Help Find Terrorists?

    Yale SOM’s Edward H. Kaplan uses queuing algorithms to estimate how many terror cells exist and determine how to efficiently combat them.

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  • Time to End Confrontations Over Federal Borrowing Limits

    In a Foreign Policy op-ed, Yale SOM Dean Emeritus Jeffrey Garten writes that the recurrent threats to force a U.S. debt default could end in catastrophe, and it’s time for Congress to end them permanently.

    Debt Ceiling
  • The Nobel Prize in Economics and the Dangers of Foreign Aid

    Professor A. Mushfiq Mobarak argues that claims about the impact of foreign aid should be tested with careful empirical study.

  • Are Public-Private Partnerships the Best Way to Provide Government Services?

    HEC’s Bertrand Quelin says that such projects are generally successful—but they aren’t always perceived that way.