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Politics and Policy

Biden Should Go on Offense—Without Being Offensive

Yale leadership expert Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his co-author Steven Tian argue that President Joseph Biden has a strong record of economic accomplishment, and he should tout that at the first presidential debate rather than rely on populist attacks on big business.

Empty lectern
  • How Can We Make Elections Work Better?

    We asked Yale SOM faculty in operations, game theory, finance, and design: “What’s one change we could make to improve the way we vote in the U.S.?”

    Voting booths with legs visible.
  • Three Questions: Prof. Jason Abaluck on Short-Term Health Insurance

    We asked Yale SOM health economist Jason Abaluck how the expansion of low-cost, short-term insurance could affect consumers and the insurance markets.

    Patients in the emergency waiting room of John H. Stroger Hospital in Chicago. Photo: Jose More/VWPics via AP Images.
  • Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates

    New research suggests that the population of undocumented immigrants in the United States may be 22 million, nearly twice what has been believed.

    A crowded sidewalk in New York city
  • Three Questions: Prof. Barbara Biasi on Teacher Pay

    We asked Barbara Biasi, a labor economist with a focus on education, about this year’s teachers' strikes and the wider implications of how we compensate teachers.

    A teacher in a classroom
  • Can Organized Labor Come Back?

    Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, sees collectivism as a force that can transform a broken system and bring about a fair and equitable future.

    Union rally
  • Three Questions: Prof. Peter K. Schott on Tariffs and Trade Wars

    President Trump has imposed a series of tariffs, raising tensions with allies and prompting other countries to respond in kind. We asked Yale SOM’s Peter K. Schott, who studies how firms and workers respond to globalization, to assess the current climate.

    Harley-Davidson motorcycle and rider
  • Perspective: The Federal Agency

    What’s the role of the federal government in addressing the challenges facing Appalachian Ohio? Ray Daffner ’86 discusses the work of the Appalachian Regional Commission.

    Factory in Appalachian Ohio
  • Perspective: The Governor

    Former Ohio governor Ted Strickland talks about the people, poverty, politics, and possibilities of Appalachian Ohio.

    A mountain road in Appalachian Ohio
  • Three Questions: Prof. Andrew Metrick on Revising the Volcker Rule

    U.S. regulators have proposed revising the Volcker rule, which restricts the ability of banks to make risky trades with money from depositors. We asked Yale SOM’s Andrew Metrick about the potential consequences of the change.

    Detail of eyes from a $100 bill
  • Three Questions: Prof. David Bach on the Reach of European Privacy Regulations

    A change to European privacy rules has unleashed a flood of emails about updated privacy policies to customers all over the world. We asked Yale SOM’s David Bach why.
