Why It’s Harder for Women Founders to Get Venture Capital Funding
A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Heather Tookes shows that women are less likely to get funding compared to men with similar entrepreneurial history. One reason is that investors who have experienced a poor outcome from a woman-led startup shy away from other women founders—but benefitting from successes of women founders doesn’t lead them to invest more.

Male Scientists Praise Their Own Research More
According to a study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Olav Sorenson, male scientists are more likely than their women colleagues to use words like “novel,” “excellent,” and “unique” to describe their own work in the titles and abstracts of research articles.
When Women Speak, Do People Listen?
In a study of farming villages in Malawi, Yale SOM’s Mushfiq Mobarak and his colleagues found that women’s performance on communication tasks seemed to be hindered by how other people received their work.
Single Women Get Lower Returns from Housing Investments
A new study from Yale SOM’s Kelly Shue and Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham finds that single women who buy and sell real estate lose out on an average of $1,600 per year.
In Finance Field, Gender Disparities Are Significant—But Shrinking
More women are being hired for finance positions at top business schools, according to a study co-authored by Yale SOM's Heather Tookes, but progress is slow. The study suggests that this may be due to limited collaborator networks.
Competition Can Make Corporate Cultures More Socially Progressive
A study by Yale SOM’s Alexander Zentefis and Gary Gorton suggests a progressive competitor can push a company to change under the right circumstances.
Women Leaders Ascend in the Aerospace and Defense Industry
When Kathy Warden was named CEO of Northrop Grumman this week, she became the third woman CEO among the top five aerospace and defense contractors. Yale SOM’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld writes that this welcome trend has an echo in the early history of the industry.
Is Women’s Work Evaluated Fairly?
Does gender bias prevent women from being treated fairly in job interviews, performance assessments, and other evaluations? Data from an online stock recommendation platform suggests that women’s ideas simply get less attention than their male colleagues’.
Why Do Women Inventors Win Fewer Patents?
Women inventors are less likely to have their patent applications approved than men. But that disparity dips if an examiner can’t guess an inventor’s gender from her name.
Study Shows Bias Against Investment Recommendations from Women
Women in the investment profession face a double standard even when objective information on their performance is available and their evaluators are incentivized to not discriminate, according to a new study by researchers at the Yale School of Management and the Columbia Business School.
Three Questions: Prof. Zoe Chance on Responses to Sexual Harassment
Women around the world are sharing their experiences with workplace sexual harassment and abuse. Professor Zoë Chance explains the research on the subject and suggests ways that both women and male allies can take action to create lasting change.