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Diversity and Inclusion

Why It’s Harder for Women Founders to Get Venture Capital Funding

A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Heather Tookes shows that women are less likely to get funding compared to men with similar entrepreneurial history. One reason is that investors who have experienced a poor outcome from a woman-led startup shy away from other women founders—but benefitting from successes of women founders doesn’t lead them to invest more.

An illustration showing a male investor being raised up by hands and money, while a women investor is getting less
  • How Cash Bail Creates a Two-Tiered System of Justice

    Kaitlin Koga ’17, chief of staff for the Bail Project, argues for an alternative to bail that she believes would deliver more equitable justice and improve public safety.

    A bail bonds storefront in New York City
  • Study: To Maximize Productivity, Affirmative Action Should Continue Indefinitely

    Maximizing the productivity of the workforce will require ongoing policies to boost minority participation, according to a study by Yale SOM’s Aniko Öry and Michèle Müller-Itten of the University of Notre Dame.

    Wassily Kandinsky's “Circles in a Circle” (1923)
  • The Wealth Gap Facing Black Americans Is Vast—and Vastly Underestimated  

    For every $100 in wealth held by a White family, a Black family has just $10. But studies by Yale’s Jennifer Richeson and Michael Kraus show that Americans believe that the disparity is much smaller.

    An illustration of a chart of the wealth gap over the word "Inequality"
  • What Allies Should Know about Interracial Communication

    A majority of White Americans say that the Black Lives Matter movement has prompted them to have conversations about race. We asked Yale SOM’s Cydney Dupree, who has studied how people from different racial groups communicate with each other, what her research says about the dynamics of the current moment.

    Demonstrators march in St. Anthony, Minnesota, on July 6, 2020, the fourth anniversary of the murder of Philando Castile. Photo: Stephen Maturen/Getty Images.
  • How You Can Invest in Racial Justice

    Yale SOM’s Teresa Chahine and a panel of experts discussed how businesses, financial firms, and regular investors can make choices that empower local businesses and increase opportunity.

    students in a phlebotomy class
  • How to Start Addressing Racism and Inequality in Your Organization

    Yale SOM leadership expert Heidi Brooks says that many companies have a bias toward taking quick action that is ill-suited to a complex and ambiguous issue. Instead, organizations should reflect on their own culture and power dynamics and create a long-term plan for impact.

    An abstract mixed media assemblage including picture frames of various colors and shapes
  • To Stop Violent Policing, Build Effective Police Organizations

    For the last three years, Yale SOM's Rodrigo Canales has led a project studying police forces in Mexico and testing approaches to building more effective and trusted departments.

    Police officers talking with citizens in Mexico
  • How White Managers Can Respond to Anti-Black Violence

    Yale SOM’s Michael Kraus offers a series of concrete steps that leaders can take to combat racism in their own organizations—and contribute to the societal fight against injustice.

    A demonstrator speaking to police officers during a protest on May 31, 2020, in Kansas City, Missouri. Photo: Jamie Squire/Getty Images.
  • Training Girls for the Building Trades, Virtually

    Demi Knight Clark, founder of She Built This City, describes how she remade a nonprofit that teaches hands-on buildings skills for a world forced to go virtual.

    An illustration of girls and women learning trades and 3-D printing masks for healthcare workers
  • Anti-Asian Racism Exposes the Model Minority Myth

    Yale SOM’s Michael Kraus and Eunice Eun argue that anti-Asian bias provoked by COVID-19 reveals the ongoing influence of racism in the country.

    Members of the Asian American Commission hold a press conference.