Talking about Child Sexual Abuse Can Help End Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse is preventable, according to Joan Tabachnick ’86, if families and communities actively engage in uncomfortable conversations.
Navigating a New Now: Time to Prioritize Company Culture
Laszlo Bock ’99, founder and CEO of Humu, highlights the importance of company culture for keeping workers motivated and delivering results despite the challenges of the moment.
Navigating a New Now: What a New York City Doctor Has Learned During the Pandemic
Dr. Charles Powell ’19, chief of pulmonary critical care for Mount Sinai, says that promising new approaches to research, diagnosis, and treatment have emerged from the devastation.
Navigating a New Now: Prioritizing a Vulnerable Community
Dr. Suzanne Lagarde ’14, CEO of Fair Haven Community Health Care, explains how she adapted vaccine delivery to meet the needs of the community even as the unrelenting pandemic took a toll on her staff.
Is Seattle Prepared for Climate Change?
Ann Grodnik-Nagle ’06, climate policy advisor for Seattle Public Utilities, says that Seattle is focusing on both mitigation and adaptation, prioritizing vulnerable communities of color.
Piloting a California Plant Nursery through COVID, Drought, and Wildfires
Haydi Danielson ’84, co-owner of a commercial nursery in California, discusses leading a family business through the COVID-19 pandemic and the drought and wildfires affecting her home state.
Keeping Community in the Investment Equation
In this series, leaders tell stories about drawing on their core values in critical moments. For Lofton Holder ’90, grounding investing acumen in a connection to community builds trust and delivers returns.
We Need to Acknowledge the Problem of Senior Poverty
Joe Seldner ’84, founder of the Senior Poverty Prevention Project, calls for problem solvers to take on an issue getting little attention.
The Fight for Healthcare Equity after COVID-19
Dr. Cecelia Calhoun ’21, a Yale physician with a focus on sickle cell disease, and Yale SOM’s Dr. Howard Forman discuss the gargantuan but critical challenge of addressing the impact of systemic racism on the health of Black Americans.
Video: Identifying with a Team Helps Prevent Stress and Burnout among Healthcare Workers
A Yale study conducted in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic found that feeling like part of a team reduced reported stress and burnout—an insight with implications for how any kind of organization can weather a crisis.
What Does It Take to Create Financial Products That Can Save the Planet?
Investors are increasingly eager to contribute to solutions for climate change and other environmental problems. Charlotte Kaiser ’07 of The Nature Conservancy’s NatureVest explains how the company builds financial products that attract mainstream capital while delivering conservation impacts.