Why Do Museums Matter?
Daniel Weiss ’85, former president and CEO of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, discusses the distinctive joys and challenges of leading mission-driven organizations.

How a Time Out Can Help Address Bias
The Bias Time Out, developed by a team including Gina Calder ’22 and Dr. Cecelia Calhoun ’21, helps healthcare teams spot and address bias in real time.
For Companies Eyeing AI, the Question Is ‘When, Not If’
Generative AI may well be transformative, but firms will need to make judgments on whether the costs, challenges, and risks of being a first mover makes sense.
In the Emergency Department, Patients from Marginalized Groups Are More Likely to be Bypassed in the Queue
In a busy hospital emergency department, White people who speak English and have private insurance are more likely to jump the line and get seen first, according to new research from Professors Lesley Meng and Edieal Pinker and Dr. Rohit Sangal ’21 of Yale New Haven Hospital.
Forms of Wisdom: Lessons from Public Health Entrepreneurs
Four women who are using entrepreneurial tools to achieve public health goals visited Teresa Chahine’s podcast, Impact & Innovation, where they told their stories and shared what they’ve learned about connecting with a community to make a difference.
Imagining Future-Ready Infrastructure
Our aging infrastructure isn’t ready for climate change. David Gilford ’07 explains how new resilient, technology-enabled infrastructure can help us thrive in an uncertain future.
The Art and Science of Delivering Impact
To take on the problems associated with poverty in New York City, Emary Aronson ’97, chief knowledge officer of the Robin Hood Foundation, takes a data-driven and heart-led approach. She describes how the organization has focused on outcomes and been able to pivot quickly to lead emergency relief efforts.
Creating a Culture of Sustainability in Homebuilding
Sustainably built homes cost more up front, but factor in resiliency, indoor air quality, and the costs to heat and cool, and the cost calculus looks quite different, says Aaron Smith ’16.
Expanding the Pathways from School to a Career
Washington state’s collective action approach to career-connected learning expands students’ horizons, connects employers to their future workforce, and builds community, says Maud Daudon ’83 of Career Connect Washington.
What Families Need to Escape Homelessness
For families coming out of homelessness, housing doesn’t end the impossible choices that come with navigating poverty. Jill Bauman ’87 describes Imagine LA’s holistic model to end family homelessness and poverty.
Putting AI on Every Team
Is artificial intelligence ready to become a standard business tool? McKinsey’s Bryce Hall ’12 says that combining human expertise and judgment with AI’s data-driven recommendations is a challenging but powerful way to deliver business results.