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Politics and Policy

Biden Should Go on Offense—Without Being Offensive

Yale leadership expert Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his co-author Steven Tian argue that President Joseph Biden has a strong record of economic accomplishment, and he should tout that at the first presidential debate rather than rely on populist attacks on big business.

Empty lectern
  • How Will the Trans-Pacific Partnership Affect Global Business?

    Global Network Perspectives asked experts across the Global Network for Advanced Management how the trade deal would impact their countries.

  • Does the Fed Need a Foreign Policy?

    As the Federal Reserve prepares to raise interest rates—a move that will be felt globally—Professor Jeffrey E. Garten outlines a foreign policy agenda for the Fed.

  • Can the National Defense Be a Global Business?

    Vivek Lall, the head of global strategy for General Atomics, says that the industry, responding to many of the same pressures as other businesses, is becoming increasingly globalized.

    Can the National Defense Be a Global Business?
  • Putting the Iran Nuclear Deal in Context

    Professor Paul Bracken, a leading security strategist and author of The Second Nuclear Age, discusses the Iran nuclear deal.

  • Will Openness and Transparency Strengthen Democracy in the EU?

    HEC Paris's Alberto Alemanno on what the EU's commitment to openness means in practice.

  • Is Making All Banks Follow the Same Rules a Bad Idea?

    Standardization. Harmonization. Coordination. They all sound like good ideas. But in a lecture at Yale SOM, Roberta Romano, the Sterling Professor of Law at Yale Law School, argued that the convergence of banking regulations brought about by the Basel Accords may have had the unintended effect of fueling the financial crisis.

    Is Making All Banks Follow the Same Rules a Bad Idea?
  • Inspiring Economic Growth

    Robert Shiller proposes government spending that inspires a vision of a better future.

  • More Public Toilets May Reduce Sexual Assault in South Africa

    A new study by researchers at the Yale School of Management and the Yale School of Public Health.

  • Can We Have Economically Secure Retirements?

    The end of defined-benefit pensions and a volatile stock market have made many Americans skeptical that they can retire comfortably. Is a new model emerging for how we plan for retirement? A panel of experts and practitioners talks about policies to help us bolster our retirement savings.

  • Are ‘Patent Thickets’ Smothering Innovation?

    One analysis estimated that a smartphone is covered by 250,000 patents. As technology grows increasingly complex, companies must navigate a web of intellectual property protections. Are innovation and competition suffering from the race to create enormous patent portfolios? Professor Stefan Wagner of the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT), a member of the Global Network for Advanced Management, talked with Yale Insights about the consequences of “patent thickets.”