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How Could the Lawsuit against Apple Shift the Smartphone Landscape?

We asked Prof. Fiona Scott Morton, the former chief economist for the DOJ’s Antitrust Division, how a successful suit would change the devices and services available to consumers.

iPhones on display
  • GE’s Split Unravels a Massive Management Mistake

    General Electric CEO Larry Culp announced this week that the company would split into three separate firms. Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld writes that Culp was acknowledging the failure of an approach—the highly diversified industrial conglomerate—that dates back to Jack Welch’s tenure in the 1980s.

    A General Electric facility in Belfort, France, reflecting in a body of water.
  • Exploring Alternative Futures

    Professor Paul Bracken has spent a lifetime studying the complex systems like international business, technology, and the military. A pioneer of scenario planning, he looks at how organizations really work and how they both drive and are shaped by major trends in order to predict possible futures.

    Paul Bracken teaching
  • What Went Wrong in Afghanistan?

    We asked Prof. Paul Bracken, an expert in business and military strategy, how the U.S. could have avoided a chaotic exit from Afghanistan, and what comes next for the region.

    Afghans outside the Kabul airport on August 20, 2021.
  • Does Big Tech Gobble Up Competitors?

    An executive order from President Joe Biden last month and a congressional report in October accused large technology firms of engaging in “killer acquisitions,” citing research by Yale SOM’s Florian Ederer.

    A crocodile with two fish in its mouth
  • Can Congress Create Real Competition for Big Tech? 

    Last week, members of Congress from both parties introduced a series of bills to curtail the dominance of the major technology firms. We asked Prof. Fiona Scott Morton if the proposed legislation would help level the playing field.

    A group of apps for Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook in "jiggle mode," with delete buttons on each one
  • Social Media Is Addictive. Do Regulators Need to Step In?

    Yale SOM’s Fiona Scott Morton and her co-authors argue that smarter and more robust antitrust enforcement can help, by making room for new social media platforms that promote themselves as healthier alternatives.

    An illustration of someone reaching through a smartphone screen and reaching for likes and other social media icons
  • Traditional Firms Get More Room to Innovate 

    A study of the Champagne market co-authored by Yale SOM’s Amandine Ody-Brasier suggests that other industry players are more likely to accept unconventional practices when they come from established firms.

    Champagne bottles on an automated assembly line
  • The Practical Game Theorist

    Prof. Barry Nalebuff extracts pragmatic insights from game theory to improve the practice of innovation, strategy, and negotiation.

    Barry Nalebuff
  • Video: Why You Should Care about Antitrust

    We asked Prof. Fiona Scott Morton, former chief economist for the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division and the founder of the Thurman Arnold Project at Yale, to explain why antitrust violations are bad for consumers and how the government can respond.

    An illustration of a man in top hat stealing coins from birds
  • In the Second Nuclear Age, Information Advantage Defines the Balance of Power

    More than a massive nuclear arsenal, says Yale SOM strategy expert Paul Bracken, information technology and shifting alliances drive post-Cold War military advantage in an unpredictable, multipolar world.

    A computer-generated image of a missile flying over a landscape