Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld
Trump’s White House Is a Family Business. That’s Not a Bad Thing.
In a Politico commentary, Yale SOM's Jeffrey Sonnenfeld asks if there are reasons to be optimistic about the responsibilities given to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.
What’s the Future of U.S.-Mexico Relations?
Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld recently assembled a group of business and political leaders from Mexico and the United States to discuss the state of the strained but critical relationship between the two countries.
How Wells Fargo's CEO Could Have Avoided His Senate Belly Flop
The recent performance by Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf before the Senate Banking Committee has been widely panned. Yale SOM’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld explains how CEOs can do better when faced with a crisis.
How Do Mayors Get Things Done?
Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld talks with mayors from both parties about how they move past partisan combat to find solutions that work.
Theranos Teaches Silicon Valley a Hard Lesson about Accountability
The failures of the blood-testing firm Theranos show that high-flying tech firms need boards who are willing to ask the hard questions.
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld: Clearing Bull from the Bully Pulpit
Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld writes that business leaders are increasingly embracing a larger societal mission and using their public statements to comment beyond deals and products.
How DuPont's Directors Failed
CEO Ellen Kullman's departure is one of many examples of dysfunctional corporate boards making rash decisions.
What Can We Learn from Trump?
Leadership scholar Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and political scientist Jacob Hacker, who recently sat down for an hour-long conversation with Donald Trump, discuss their impressions of the man and the current moment in political history.
Why the ‘Dump Trump’ Strategy is Doomed
In a Fortune magazine article, Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld suggests that political rivals who underestimate Donald Trump—and the myth surrounding him—do so at their own peril.
How Big Mac Reacts to Attack: Recovering From Missteps
In a Chief Executive magazine commentary, Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld applauds McDonald’s for being forthright about recent performance problems at the company and their plan to address them.