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Three Questions

  • For Holiday Cheer, Switch Off Zoom and Pick Up the Phone

    After an extraordinarily difficult year, we are all looking for respite from the isolation and uncertainty of pandemic life. We asked Marissa King, who studies personal and team dynamics, to share some quick tips for making this year’s holiday season a little brighter.

    A rotary phone on a table
  • Is it Time to Shut Down the Fed’s COVID Stimulus Programs?

    Prof. Andrew Metrick, director of the Yale Program on Financial Stability, says that the four emergency lending programs recently shut down by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are an insurance policy that may be badly needed in 2021.

    The Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve building in Washington, D.C. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images.
  • A Life-Changing Vaccine, If We Do It Right 

    Pfizer’s announcement that its experimental COVID-19 vaccine appears to be more than 90% effective has provided hope for relief from the increasingly calamitous onslaught of the virus. We asked Yale SOM’s Dr. Howard Forman about next steps.

    Gloved hands preparing to make an injection into a person's shoulder
  • How to Keep Your Sense of Purpose While Working Remotely

    Yale SOM’s Amy Wrzesniewski, an expert in how people find meaning in their jobs, says that working remotely can diminish our sense of community and structure—and offers suggestions for staying anchored.

    A cat sitting next to a laptop on a sofa
  • How Is the Airline Industry Adapting to COVID?

    Debilitated by COVID-19, airlines are preparing to cut more than 30,000 jobs as soon as next month. We asked Prof. Kevin Williams to explain some of the economics of air travel and how the industry can survive in an age of stay-at-home orders.

    A contractor disinfecting a Frontier airplane at Denver International Airport in May 2020. Photo: AAron Ontiveroz/MediaNews Group/The Denver Post via Getty Images.
  • What’s the Danger from TikTok?

    In September, under pressure from the Trump administration to sell its U.S. operations, the Chinese-owned social media app TikTok tentatively agreed to partner with Oracle. We asked Prof. Paul Bracken, an expert on strategy and technology, about the security threat from Chinese technology companies and how the conflict might play out.

    A shadow of a person walking in front of a TikTok sign
  • What Kamala Harris’s Nomination Means for Women’s Equality

    If Joe Biden is elected this November, Kamala Harris would be the first woman and the first person of color to serve as vice president. We asked Prof. Oriane Georgeac, who studies perceptions of diversity, if Harris’s nomination heralds an acceleration of progress for women generally.

    Kamala Harris campaigning in Iowa in February 2019. Photo: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images.
  • Three Questions about COVID-19 Infection and Immunity

    We checked in with Yale SOM’s Dr. Howard Forman about herd immunity, vaccines, and that case of reinfection in Hong Kong.

    Travelers at San Francisco Airport on August 11, 2020. Photo: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images.
  • Will COVID-19 Worsen Inequality in the United States?

    The path of the pandemic has been shaped by inequality, with poor and minority workers experiencing greater exposure to infection and fewer health protections. Has the policy response helped ease these inequities—or made them worse?

    Outdoor service at a restaurant in New York City on July 30, 2020.
  • A Federal Program Is Supposed to Keep Midsize Businesses Afloat. Why Isn’t It Reaching Them?

    Yale SOM’s William English explains how the Main Street Lending Program fits into the array of federal stimulus efforts and offers proposals for making it work better.

    The door to a business with a sign reading "Closed due to cororavirus until further notice"