Faculty Viewpoints
To Counter the Loss of the Federal Mandate, Create a State Healthcare Fee
To avoid higher premiums and more “free riders," Fiona Scott Morton proposes that Connecticut require residents to buy insurance, contribute to a Health Savings Account, or pay a fee to the state.
Can a ‘Veil of Ignorance’ Break India’s Election Deadlock?
Yale SOM’s Shyam Sunder writes that India may be able pass a law synchronizing its elections if it obscures the partisan consequences by enacting the change with a built-in delay.
CEOs Are Finding Courage in the Post-Parkland Moment
In the wake of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld writes, a wave of outrage is prompting CEOs to acknowledge their duty to the public and stand up to the NRA.
What’s the Future of Bitcoin and Blockchain?
We asked faculty and experts across the Global Network for Advanced Management about the potential benefits and risks of Bitcoin and blockchain.
Can a Bus Ticket Prevent Seasonal Hunger?
Could something as simple as a bus ticket keep hundreds of millions of people from going hungry in the months between planting and harvest?
What Is Bitcoin Really Worth? Don’t Even Ask.
In a New York Times commentary, Yale’s Robert Shiller writes that attempts to measure the fundamental value of Bitcoin are intrinsically absurd.
How Do Leaders Foster Engagement and Creativity?
What happens if leaders ask for and model a work culture of mutual inspiration and support?
When An Empty Board Slot Is Dangled Before You, Look Before You Leap
Yale SOM's Jeffrey Sonnenfeld writes that asking a few simple questions can help a potential board member avoid an unhealthy corporate culture.
Can a Place Built on Global Banking Survive Britain’s Retreat from Europe?
Professor William Goetzmann discusses the uncertainty facing the financial hub at Canary Wharf as Britain moves steadily toward its divorce from the European Union.
Social Media, the Corporation, and the State
Yale’s Shyam Sunder assesses some of the complications that arise when multinational corporations become implicated in political questions.