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The Key Information Hiding Behind ‘Consensus’ Target Stock Prices‌

Ordinary investors generally can only see an average of analysts’ target prices for a given stock. In a new study, Yale SOM’s Thomas Steffen and Frank Zhang find that when the degree of variation within that “consensus” figure is large, it’s a bad sign for future returns. ‌

A target surrounded by darts
  • A Loan Program Can Help Close the Green-Building Gap

    In a new study, Prof. Cameron LaPoint and his co-authors weigh the positives and negatives of a lending program that puts climate resiliency upgrades within reach of financially constrained homeowners.

    Punta Gorda, Florida, on September 28, 2022, during Hurricane Ian
  • Should the Federal Reserve Reveal More about Its Stress Test Models?

    Greg Feldberg, director of research at the Yale Program on Financial Stability, argues that the Fed already discloses more than any other authority in the world about its stress test models and warns that revealing more could repeat mistakes made in the run-up to the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09.

    An illustration of a hospital monitor showing financial symbols
  • Investors Reward Gender-Diverse Companies

    Advocates have long made the case that hiring more women is the right thing to do, and that gender diversity helps firms be more effective. New research from Yale SOM’s Jennifer Dannals suggests another reason for a gender-diverse workforce: investors love to see it.

    An abstract image of a crowded corporate lobby overlayed by a stock chart
  • CEOs Invest Less in Corporate Social Responsibility When Their Own Money Is At Stake

    A study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Kelly Shue finds that when CEOs have a larger financial stake in their companies, or when they face stronger shareholder oversight, they cut back spending on corporate social responsibility efforts.

    An illustration of a CEO looking at stock prices and hesitating to write a check
  • What Did the Last Four Years Teach Us about Managing Inflation?

    William English, a professor in the practice of finance and a former economist at the Federal Reserve, discusses lessons learned from central banks’ responses to four-plus years of extraordinary economic disruption.

    Shoppers in a chain store with televisions for sale
  • What Does a Record Stock Market Mean?

    We asked Yale SOM’s William Goetzmann, an expert on financial markets and the history of finance, what soaring stock prices say about the economy and the future of the markets.

    A trader in front of computer terminals at the New York Stock Exchange
  • Assembling an Economy in Space

    A mix of public and private investments are positioning the space economy for a period of growth and innovation, says Sven Eenmaa ’98, director of investment and economic analysis at the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory.

    Astronauts working on the International Space Station
  • Our Most-Read Stories of 2023

    This year, Yale SOM research examined sustainable investing, the dynamics of social media, the role of race in school discipline, and the complexities of airline pricing. And faculty offered expertise on issues in the news, including the changing workplace, noncompete agreements, the politics of ESG investing, the effectiveness of masks, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, and the Barbie movie phenomenon.

    A collage of illustrations and photographs
  • Is Commercial Real Estate in for a Downturn…or a Crisis?

    Commercial real estate downturns don’t typically create systemic threats. Yale SOM’s Andrew Metrick offers a nightmare scenario showing why this time might be different.

    An empty ground-floor commercial space, seen through a window.
  • Lower-Income Employees Are More Likely to Remain at 401(k) Defaults, Even If It Costs Them Money

    Automatically enrolling employees in retirement plans is a powerful tool for increasing savings. But Yale SOM’s James Choi and his coauthors find that once enrolled, people with lower incomes are more likely to remain at default contribution rates, even if they aren’t optimal.

    An illustration of currency being cut in half as it is put into a piggy bank