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  • A Loan Program Can Help Close the Green-Building Gap

    In a new study, Prof. Cameron LaPoint and his co-authors weigh the positives and negatives of a lending program that puts climate resiliency upgrades within reach of financially constrained homeowners.

    Punta Gorda, Florida, on September 28, 2022, during Hurricane Ian
  • The Perils of Personalized Pricing

    Increasingly, companies have the ability to target each of us with individual prices based on what they think we will pay. A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Jidong Zhou investigates whether the result is higher or lower costs for consumers.

    An illustration of four people with TVs in shopping carts, all with different prices
  • Doing What You Love Doesn’t Always Pay for Women

    New research from Yale SOM’s Adriana Germano shows how the seemingly gender-neutral advice to “follow your passion” helps explain the gender gap in lucrative STEM fields.

    A woman following a sign pointing to "passion" at a fork in the road
  • Using Operations Research to Improve the Refugee Resettlement Process

    In a new study, Yale SOM’s Vahideh Manshadi and Soonbong Lee and their co-authors propose an algorithm that can yield better employment outcomes for refugees while also reducing caseloads of service providers.

    An Afghani couple in Charlestown, Massachusetts, where they settled in 2022 after the fall of Kabul. 
  • Can Reflection Dislodge a Faulty Intuition?

    Sometimes our gut is right. But a new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Shane Frederick shows that when it’s not, the erroneous intuition can be difficult to overrid.

    An illustration of two women looking at a bat and ball, one with a lightbulb over her head and the other reflecting carefully on math
  • What We Get Wrong about the Effects of Population Growth

    New research co-authored by Professor Jason Dana finds that people over-focus on increased consumption without considering the positive effects of increased productivity.

    An illustration of bunches of grapes in which each grape is a human face
  • Investors Reward Gender-Diverse Companies

    Advocates have long made the case that hiring more women is the right thing to do, and that gender diversity helps firms be more effective. New research from Yale SOM’s Jennifer Dannals suggests another reason for a gender-diverse workforce: investors love to see it.

    An abstract image of a crowded corporate lobby overlayed by a stock chart
  • AI Can Write a More Believable Restaurant Review Than a Human Can

    Yale SOM’s Balázs Kovács used ChatGPT to write a series of Yelp-style reviews, as well as collecting real reviews from the site, and then asked human subjects to decide which was the real thing. They were more convinced of the authenticity of the AI-written reviews.

    A robot sitting at a table at a restaurant, writing a Yelp review on a smartphone
  • How Shadow Banning Can Silently Shift Opinion Online

    In a new study, Yale SOM’s Tauhid Zaman and Yen-Shao Chen show how a social media platform can shift users’ positions or increase overall polarization by selectively muting and amplifying posts in ways that appear neutral to an outside observer.

    An illustration of shadowy figures moving among screens of phones and other devices
  • CEOs Invest Less in Corporate Social Responsibility When Their Own Money Is At Stake

    A study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Kelly Shue finds that when CEOs have a larger financial stake in their companies, or when they face stronger shareholder oversight, they cut back spending on corporate social responsibility efforts.

    An illustration of a CEO looking at stock prices and hesitating to write a check