All Insights Articles
Is Space Becoming the Next Front for War—and Traffic Jams?
Satellites enable everyday tools like GPS and weather forecasts, and allow militaries to track troop movements and target weapons. But the most desirable orbits are increasingly crowded and vulnerable to attack. Jamie Morin, an expert in space defense and policy issues, explains how we avoid squandering this shared resource.
How Shadow Banning Can Silently Shift Opinion Online
In a new study, Yale SOM’s Tauhid Zaman and Yen-Shao Chen show how a social media platform can shift users’ positions or increase overall polarization by selectively muting and amplifying posts in ways that appear neutral to an outside observer.
CEOs Invest Less in Corporate Social Responsibility When Their Own Money Is At Stake
A study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Kelly Shue finds that when CEOs have a larger financial stake in their companies, or when they face stronger shareholder oversight, they cut back spending on corporate social responsibility efforts.
CEOs Need More Face Time, Not FaceTime
Yale SOM leadership expert Jeffrey Sonnenfeld explains how effective business leaders make the best use of face-to-face meetings with employees around the world.
Speaker Mike Johnson’s ‘Profiles in Courage’ Moment
Yale SOM leadership expert Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and co-author Steven Tian write that the House Speaker displayed rare courage in learning on the job and defying extremists in his own party—and draw historical parallels to an ideological conversion that changed the course of the Cold War.
The Best Leaders Use Intuition
In an excerpt from her new book, Yale SOM’s Emma Seppälä writes that drawing on instinct as well as analysis can help us make better decisions.
What Did the Last Four Years Teach Us about Managing Inflation?
William English, a professor in the practice of finance and a former economist at the Federal Reserve, discusses lessons learned from central banks’ responses to four-plus years of extraordinary economic disruption.
To Make Greener Buildings, Try Innovating around the Edges
The building industry is slow to change. But three Yale alumni are finding ways to make changes on the margins and in the process offer solutions that aren’t easy to ignore.
How to Build a Space Station
Nanoracks, co-founded by Chris Cummins ’89, started as a niche startup that facilitated research on the International Space Station. Now it’s building a space station.
A Whole-Person Approach to Mental Health
Christina Mainelli ’11, CEO of Quartet Health, explains how the company solves bottlenecks around access, quality, and fragmentation to deliver whole person care.