All Insights Articles
Departures from Convention
With the Democratic National Convention taking place online, Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld reflects on other conventions Americans have abandoned, and the traditions we’ve let go of, during this tumultuous time.
Study: To Maximize Productivity, Affirmative Action Should Continue Indefinitely
Maximizing the productivity of the workforce will require ongoing policies to boost minority participation, according to a study by Yale SOM’s Aniko Öry and Michèle Müller-Itten of the University of Notre Dame.
A Climate for Change
Judy Samuelson ’82, executive director of the Aspen Institute’s Business and Society Program, explores whether this cataclysm will trigger lasting change.
In the Second Nuclear Age, Information Advantage Defines the Balance of Power
More than a massive nuclear arsenal, says Yale SOM strategy expert Paul Bracken, information technology and shifting alliances drive post-Cold War military advantage in an unpredictable, multipolar world.
Will COVID-19 Worsen Inequality in the United States?
The path of the pandemic has been shaped by inequality, with poor and minority workers experiencing greater exposure to infection and fewer health protections. Has the policy response helped ease these inequities—or made them worse?
Can We Make Recycling Work?
The ubiquitous blue bin for single-stream recycling obscures a set of tradeoffs and challenges, including contamination that complicates processing and lowers the value of recyclable materials.
A Federal Program Is Supposed to Keep Midsize Businesses Afloat. Why Isn’t It Reaching Them?
Yale SOM’s William English explains how the Main Street Lending Program fits into the array of federal stimulus efforts and offers proposals for making it work better.
In Estimating COVID-19 Infection Risk, Frequency of an Activity Is Key
With proper precautions, the risk of a day at work, a ride on the bus, or a workout at the gym may be acceptable, write Yale SOM’s Arthur J. Swersey and his co-authors. But that risk compounds dramatically when an activity is repeated day after day.
Buprenorphine Can Transform Treatment of Opioid Addiction, But It Isn’t Reaching Enough Patients
According to a new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Marissa King, most patients aren’t staying on the drug long enough to get its benefit, and it isn’t reaching young people.
Lessons from Past Pandemics
Matt Walton ’78, an entrepreneur whose emergency management software was used to direct responses to past pandemics, examines the cost of lessons not learned.