Your Friends Have More Friends Than You—and That’s a Good Thing for Marketers and Public Health Officials
In a new study, Professor Vineet Kumar and his co-authors offer two ways to seed interventions in social networks based on the “friendship paradox.”

Should Online Advertisers Pay for Clicks or Sales?
A new paper provides insights into how both advertisers and publishers should think about which model to choose.
Can a Social Message Sell Sneakers?
The 100-year-old sneaker company Keds has adopted women’s empowerment as its theme as it pursues a more nimble mobile-first marketing strategy.
What’s the New Look for the Fashion Industry?
Former CEO William McComb on how he downsized the fashion conglomerate Liz Claiborne, and what his strategy may foretell for the fashion industry.
What’s at Stake on Social Media?
Sprinklr CEO Ragy Thomas discusses how social media is reshaping companies.
How Can Marketers Get a Message through the Noise?
Linda Kaplan Thaler, former chairman of Publicis Kaplan Thaler, says that to make an impact, advertisements must be funny, concise, and intensely focused.
Can I Ask You a Question?
We have learned to be skeptical of claims by advertisers. Can a question evade our defenses?
What Is the Impact of Big Data?
Yale SOM’s K. Sudhir on how data analytics can change management, in marketing and beyond.
How Do You Market to Millennials?
If millennials haven’t yet reshaped your products and marketing, says Christine Barton of BCG, they will soon.
Five Lessons from the 2015 Customer Insights Conference
The rise of the millennial generation and the explosion of mobile technology have permanently changed the landscape for marketers.
Can Guilt Make You Happy?
Two new studies from Yale SOM’s Ravi Dhar suggest that a touch of guilt can be a powerful tool for marketers.