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Financial Crises

Should the Federal Reserve Reveal More about Its Stress Test Models?

Greg Feldberg, director of research at the Yale Program on Financial Stability, argues that the Fed already discloses more than any other authority in the world about its stress test models and warns that revealing more could repeat mistakes made in the run-up to the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09.

An illustration of a hospital monitor showing financial symbols
  • What Makes the UK a Model for Managing Risks to the Financial System

    Yale’s Sigrídur Benediktsdottir and Greg Feldberg recently led an in-depth assessment of the UK’s systemic risk oversight as part of the IMF’s Financial Sector Assessment Program. They came away with new insights into one of the world’s leading models for managing financial system risk.

    The Bank of England
  • Inside the CDO Market That Catalyzed the Financial Crisis

    “Inside the CDO Machine,” a special project from the Yale Program on Financial Stability, explores the first-hand perspectives of market participants.

    A home in foreclosure in Lithonia, Georgia, in 2007.
  • Can We Reduce Risk from the Shadow Banking System?

    According to Prof. Andrew Metrick, new rules on banks have helped push risk to non-bank firms that aren’t subject to the same limitations. In a recent paper, Metrick and former Fed governor Daniel Tarullo propose ways to bring regulation of banks and this “shadow banking system” into better alignment.

    Shadows and a silhouetted figure seen through a series of rectangular openings.
  • Private Equity Investors Helped Stabilize Failed Banks During the Financial Crisis

    A new study co-authored by Prof. Song Ma finds that during the financial crisis, private equity firms took on banks in poor health that other buyers didn’t want, and those banks performed relatively well under their new management.

    A sign with the logo removed outside a Jefferson, Missouri, branch of Premier Bank, which failed in 2010.
  • Is the Fed Ready for the Next Financial Crisis?

    Yale SOM’s June Rhee discusses how the lessons of the global financial crisis prepared policymakers for COVID, and what tools they’ll need for future crises.

    The Federal Reserve building, photographed through a black metal frame
  • How ‘Stablecoins’ Could Unleash Chaos

    Dollar-pegged cryptocurrencies are rapidly proliferating. But without regulation, these so-called stablecoins pose serious risks to the U.S. financial system, argue Yale SOM’s Gary B. Gorton and his co-author.

    An illustration of a bank supported by columns of precarious coins
  • Study: Margin Trading Causes Stock Prices to Drop in Concert

    During financial crises, stocks tend to fall together more than they should. A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Heather Tookes suggests that margin trading plays a substantial role in driving this downward spiral.

    Mumbai's BSE stock exchange on March 9, 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic sparked a plunge in stock prices. Photo: Dhiraj Singh/Bloomberg via Getty Images.
  • Should Governments Print Money to Make It through the Pandemic?

    Central banks should consider bona fide debt monetization—money-printing—to help their governments cover some of the costs of the pandemic, argue Greg Feldberg of the Yale Program on Financial Stability and Aidan Lawson, a former YPFS research associate.

    A sheet of dollar bills on a printing press
  • Awaiting the Will to Ensure Financial Market Stability

    In a conversation with Yale SOM’s Andrew Metrick, Paul Tucker, chair of the Systemic Risk Council and former deputy governor for financial stability at the Bank of England, says that financial markets are still facing serious stability risks.

    A detail of a photo of the Federal Reserve building
  • How is Mexico Navigating the COVID Financial Crisis?

    In a recent online conversation hosted by Yale SOM, Mexico’s chief central banker discussed the country’s response to the economic distress caused by COVID-19—the country’s third financial crisis in recent decades.

    The Banco de México in Mexico City.