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How Could the Lawsuit against Apple Shift the Smartphone Landscape?

We asked Prof. Fiona Scott Morton, the former chief economist for the DOJ’s Antitrust Division, how a successful suit would change the devices and services available to consumers.

iPhones on display
  • Is There Opportunity in Global Complexity?

    Yale’s David Bach explains how to gain an edge by effectively navigating the complicated global landscape of differences in cultural, political, and regulatory norms.

    An animated illustration of shipping containers reading "Think global, act local."
  • How Do You Plan for Uncertainty?

    Kristel Van der Elst ’02 explains how strategic foresight can prepare organizations to be robust whatever the future holds.

  • Can Operations Research Help Find Terrorists?

    Yale SOM’s Edward H. Kaplan uses queuing algorithms to estimate how many terror cells exist and determine how to efficiently combat them.

    Pixelated Art Work
  • How Should Companies Evolve?

    Laurence Capron, professor of strategy at INSEAD, on how companies can break out of old habits and find a path to new growth.

  • Can the National Defense Be a Global Business?

    Vivek Lall, the head of global strategy for General Atomics, says that the industry, responding to many of the same pressures as other businesses, is becoming increasingly globalized.

    Can the National Defense Be a Global Business?
  • Putting the Iran Nuclear Deal in Context

    Professor Paul Bracken, a leading security strategist and author of The Second Nuclear Age, discusses the Iran nuclear deal.

  • What Does Global Mean for MasterCard?

    To succeed as a global company, CEO Ajay Banga says, MasterCard strives for uniformity in some respects and diversity in others.

  • What’s the Price of Love?

    Choosing a mate is a calculation that the benefits of further search are outweighed by the costs, says Paul Oyer ’89.

  • Is Globalization Getting More Complex?

    The forces that global companies have to deal with—from social networking to social unrest—have developed rapidly over the last decade. Virgin Group chair Peter Norris describes the trajectory of globalization today and how his company is structured to ride through the turbulence.

    Satellite view of Earth from space
  • What Can Game Theory Tell Us about Iran’s Nuclear Intentions?

    What’s the best way to manage a secret project—one whose stakes, whether diplomatic or business, are very high? And what do your actions tell your opponents about your true intentions?