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Kelly Shue

  • AI Photo Analysis Illuminates How Personality Traits Predict Career Trajectories‌

    Recent advancements in AI have made it possible to infer personality traits from a single photograph of a person’s face. A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Kelly Shue applies these techniques to a large set of photos of MBA graduates to assess the effects of personality on labor market outcomes.

    A young woman in front of a white background
  • The Fed Is Cutting Rates Soon. Should I Wait to Get a Loan?

    Many homebuyers and other borrowers incorrectly believe that they get a lower rate by waiting until a cut becomes official, according to Prof. Kelly Shue. This misconception is so widespread that it can undercut the effectiveness of Fed monetary policy.

    Mortgage rates in the window of a Bank of America office
  • CEOs Invest Less in Corporate Social Responsibility When Their Own Money Is At Stake

    A study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Kelly Shue finds that when CEOs have a larger financial stake in their companies, or when they face stronger shareholder oversight, they cut back spending on corporate social responsibility efforts.

    An illustration of a CEO looking at stock prices and hesitating to write a check
  • Green Investing Could Push Polluters to Emit More Greenhouse Gases

    One common approach to sustainable investing is to provide capital for companies with low carbon emissions and withhold it for high-emissions firms. Research co-authored by Yale SOM’s Kelly Shue shows this approach can backfire.

    An illustration of a person in a brown suit trying to move a lever toward green.
  • Women Aren’t Promoted Because Managers Underestimate Their Potential

    Why are fewer women promoted to senior positions than men? In a study of a retail chain, Prof. Kelly Shue and her co-authors found that women got higher performance ratings than men but were incorrectly judged as having less leadership potential.

    A drawing of a woman sitting toward the bottom of a ladder
  • Will the GameStop Rebellion Last?

    We asked Yale SOM’s Kelly Shue, an expert in behavioral economics and empirical corporate finance, to explain what the GameStop phenomenon might mean for the balance of power on Wall Street.

    A sign reading "check out these great deals" at a GameStop store
  • Single Women Get Lower Returns from Housing Investments

    A new study from Yale SOM’s Kelly Shue and Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham finds that single women who buy and sell real estate lose out on an average of $1,600 per year.

    A for sale sign outside a house
  • How Leverage Turns Market Corrections into Crashes

    Leverage-induced fire sales contributed to the worst stock market crashes in history. Prof. Kelly Shue studied account-level data from the Chinese market crash in 2015 to illuminate how much leverage matters.

    A stock exchange in Huaibei, China, in August 2015.
  • How Can We Make Elections Work Better?

    We asked Yale SOM faculty in operations, game theory, finance, and design: “What’s one change we could make to improve the way we vote in the U.S.?”

    Voting booths with legs visible.
  • Why Is My Boss Incompetent?

    The Peter Principle says that hierarchical organizations suffer because effective workers are promoted until they reach their “level of incompetence.” Yale SOM's Kelly Shue and her collaborators set out to test the oft-cited theory.

    Why Is My Boss Incompetent?