What Will It Take to Make Housing More Affordable?
We asked Prof. Cameron LaPoint, whose research interests include real estate and household finance, if Kamala Harris’s proposal can make a difference.
Three Questions: Prof. Andrew Metrick on Revising the Volcker Rule
U.S. regulators have proposed revising the Volcker rule, which restricts the ability of banks to make risky trades with money from depositors. We asked Yale SOM’s Andrew Metrick about the potential consequences of the change.
Does Automatic Enrollment into Retirement Plans Hurt Household Finances?
When companies automatically enroll employees in retirement plans, the employees save more money for their later years. But the extra savings may exact a pre-retirement toll on their finances.
Do We Know When We’re Headed for a Crash?
A new paper looking at how investors assess the risk of a stock market crash in the next six months argues that negative media coverage of markets can play a role in investment decisions.
How Do Investors Respond to Uncertainty?
Conventional wisdom says that uncertainty is bad for markets. But Yale SOM’s Stefano Giglio and his co-authors found that investors are willing to pay a premium to protect themselves only against actual market volatility, not mere uncertainty.
What’s the Future of Bitcoin and Blockchain?
We asked faculty and experts across the Global Network for Advanced Management about the potential benefits and risks of Bitcoin and blockchain.
Three Questions: Prof. Andrew Metrick on the Stock Market and the Economy
It’s been a dizzying week on Wall Street. We asked Yale SOM’s Andrew Metrick if the volatile stock market also means trouble for the broader economy.
Can Blockchain Become the Infrastructure of Financial Services?
Blythe Masters aims to remake the infrastructure of financial services with blockchain distributed ledger technology.
What Is Bitcoin Really Worth? Don’t Even Ask.
In a New York Times commentary, Yale’s Robert Shiller writes that attempts to measure the fundamental value of Bitcoin are intrinsically absurd.
Can a Place Built on Global Banking Survive Britain’s Retreat from Europe?
Professor William Goetzmann discusses the uncertainty facing the financial hub at Canary Wharf as Britain moves steadily toward its divorce from the European Union.
Three Questions: Prof. James Choi on the Future of the 401(k)
We asked Yale SOM’s James Choi how a proposed change to the way 401(k) plans are taxed might alter the way people save for retirement.