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Anya Nakhmurina

  • A Partisan Mismatch with State Government Means Higher Borrowing Costs for Cities‌‌

    Are red cities marooned in blue states—and blue cities in red states—at a financial disadvantage because of partisan politics? A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Anya Nakhmurina finds that cities whose leaders are from the opposite political party as their state governors are penalized in the bond market.‌

    An illustration of a blue mayor on an island surrounded by a red ocean
  • Are U.S. Cities Preparing for the Flooding to Come?

    A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Anya Nakhmurina uses a novel method to track local efforts to prepare for climate change, and shows that many of the U.S. cities most at risk are behind in adopting adaptation measures.

    A person walking through a flooded street
  • Keeping a Close Eye on Local Governments’ Finances Can Improve How they Govern 

    Yale SOM’s Anya Nakhmurina found that fiscal monitoring policies, which require a state office to review local governments’ finances, boosted municipalities’ financial health and reduced corruption convictions of local officials.

    A city hall building