Anya Nakhmurina
A Partisan Mismatch with State Government Means Higher Borrowing Costs for Cities
Are red cities marooned in blue states—and blue cities in red states—at a financial disadvantage because of partisan politics? A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Anya Nakhmurina finds that cities whose leaders are from the opposite political party as their state governors are penalized in the bond market.
Are U.S. Cities Preparing for the Flooding to Come?
A new study co-authored by Yale SOM’s Anya Nakhmurina uses a novel method to track local efforts to prepare for climate change, and shows that many of the U.S. cities most at risk are behind in adopting adaptation measures.
Keeping a Close Eye on Local Governments’ Finances Can Improve How they Govern
Yale SOM’s Anya Nakhmurina found that fiscal monitoring policies, which require a state office to review local governments’ finances, boosted municipalities’ financial health and reduced corruption convictions of local officials.