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Faculty Viewpoints

  • Can foreign retail benefit India?

    Professor K. Sudhir discusses India’s move to expand the presence of foreign retailers to modernize the country’s retail sector and boost economic growth.

  • Is architecture a global business?

    Leading architect and dean of the Yale School of Architecture Robert A. M. Stern argues that much of the action in global architecture has shifted to Asia and the Middle East. He outlines the challenges of designing large-scale buildings and doing business across cultures.

  • What lies ahead for healthcare reform?

    Dr. Howard Forman, Professor of Diagnostic Radiology and director of the MBA for Executives: Leadership in Healthcare Program, explains how the Affordable Care Act is expected to affect overall healthcare spending, as well as state and federal budgets. He also discusses the reality behind some of its most controversial provisions.

  • David Cameron's EU Gamble is Bad News for Business

    UK Prime Minister David Cameron promised that, if reelected, he will hold a referendum on whether the country should stay in the European Union. Yale SOM's David Bach argues that this move is likely to produce just what a struggling economy doesn't need—more uncertainty.

  • Why does market volatility matter?

    Market volatility has been at near-record levels in recent months, as investors respond to the uncertainty in Europe. Roger Ibbotson takes a historical perspective and argues that volatility, while frightening for individuals, can play an important role in the economy.

  • Is economic inequality too big a risk?

    Does economic inequality provide incentives for success? Does it introduce instability into the financial system? A political scientist and an economist discuss how inequality affects government, markets, and the risks faced by ordinary people.

  • What's the business case for diversity?

    A range of often subtle biases around gender roles pervade the workplace. SOM's Victoria Brescoll discusses the impact these biases have on women and men, successful approaches to inclusivity, and the business case for making changes.

  • Can you find leadership in the numbers?

    Cade Massey and a former student, Rufus Peabody, developed a new way to calculate power rankings for NFL teams. Massey discusses the importance of clean, bias-free statistical analysis, and considers how a study of leadership in athletics might be applied to the business world.

  • Who needs leaders?

    Decisions made by those at the top of major companies, nonprofits, and government organizations can affect millions of lives. Yale’s president and SOM’s current and future deans discuss how business schools can train leaders with the long-term perspective and sense of integrity to create durable value in their organizations.

    A conductor with an orchestra
  • Are leaders one size fits all?

    Should you take charge? Should you work to build consensus? Victor Vroom argues that effective leaders are sensitive to the nuances of their organizations, cultural environments, and short- and long-term objectives.