Top Insights of 2016
Our most-viewed interviews, commentaries, and research reports of 2016.

Why Is Healthcare So Expensive?
February 12, 2016
A new study by Yale professor Zack Cooper lifts the lid on the Byzantine pricing system in U.S. healthcare by examining how much privately insured patients really pay for procedures. Cooper spoke with Yale Insights about why costs are so high and how he thinks policy responses can fix the broken healthcare market.
What Comes Next for Europe?
June 27, 2016
No one knows what the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union will mean for the people of Europe and the world. The one sure thing may be that it will take a lot of work to disentangle the EU and its second-largest national economy. Yale Insights spoke with professors David Bach and Andrew Metrick about the likely short-term and long-term implications of “Brexit.”
What Makes a Museum Successful?
August 3, 2016
Museums must remain relevant to a contemporary audience while upholding a mission to preserve human culture for posterity. Daniel Weiss ’85, president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, explains the challenges and opportunities that come with managing a cultural legacy
Is Government the Key To Prosperity?
September 23, 2016
The rhetoric of the U.S. campaign season might make you think you have to choose between free markets and the nanny state. Yale’s Jacob Hacker argues that we need both. He credits the effective combination of government authority and private markets for the unprecedented prosperity of the 20th century, and says we have to find the right blend to fuel the modern economy.
What Happens When the Same Investors Own Everything?
October 4, 2016
Since their creation four decades ago, index funds have allowed investors to diversify their holdings at a low cost. But according to research by Yale SOM’s Florian Ederer, all of that diversification has a surprising side effect: in many industries, companies are owned by an overlapping set of investors, reducing their incentive to compete.
Is Obamacare in Trouble?
October 12, 2016
Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, about 20 million people have gained health insurance coverage and the uninsured rate in the U.S. has plunged. But over the last several months, the major insurance companies United Healthcare, Humana, and Aetna have pulled out of the healthcare exchanges, prompting concerns about the exchanges’ long-term sustainability. Yale Insights talked with Yale’s Fiona Scott Morton and Howard Forman about the state of Obamacare and what it needs to thrive.
Does Taking Photos Make Experiences More Enjoyable?
October 14, 2016
With the rise of the smartphone, the use of digital photography has exploded—and with it concerns that we are paying more attention to documenting our lives than living them. In a new study, Yale SOM’s Gal Zauberman investigated whether taking photos diminishes or enhances experiences.
Do We Benefit From Trade?
October 20, 2016
Trade has been a lightning rod during the presidential elections, with candidates and activists in both parties blaming trade agreements for the loss of American jobs. Yale SOM economist Peter Schott talks about what his research shows about the effects of trade and how smart policy decisions can ease the impact on workers.
What's the Real Jobs Picture?
October 20, 2016
The top-line employment numbers seem encouraging, but campaign rhetoric makes it clear that many people feel the jobs market is deeply troubled. Yale Insights spoke with labor economist Lisa Kahn about her research. She argues that long-term trends driven by technology and trade have been amplified by the Great Recession to create new challenges for job seekers.
What Are the Consequences of India's Currency Reform?
December 13, 2016
In November, in an effort to fight corruption, India withdrew its two largest paper money denominations from circulation. Yale SOM’s Shyam Sunder looks at some possible effects of the change.